Show up. Drive up. Walk up. Run up — but start by showing up to do the work. I tell myself every single day that I must drive to my gym. I need to show up. I need to get there. I need to dress for success and then physically get myself to the "starting line" of exercise. We have to stop making it about too little time. We MAKE time for our oil change, our emissions test, our doctor's visits, our dentist's visit, our kid's school events. We make time constantly. We should just own the fact that we don't like to exercise. I get it. I don't typically like it either but I like it a heck of a lot more than going to the doctor. The other day, I jogged up the stairs to the front door of my gym and I groaned inside my head that I didn't want to be here. Then - I imagined that I was about to open the door of a hospital instead of my gym. Suddenly everything changed. My attitude instantly changed to gratitude. That's what it's all about. Show up. Get there. Stop thinking about it. Just do it.
